Why You Should Learn Python: The Best Programming Language for Beginners

Discover the Benefits of Python and Kickstart Your Coding Journey with the Perfect Language for Beginners


4 min read

Why You Should Learn Python: The Best Programming Language for Beginners

When starting one very important question to ask yourself is Why? Many different questions can follow, like why do I want to learn this? why do I want to go into this? why is it so popular? And so on...

This piece talks about why you should learn Python, Stick around for tips on starting your journey with Python at the end of this article.

Before we go into the whys let's do a quick detour to what Python is.

What's Python?

I know a Snake that is called Python but, weirdly, a programming language is called Python well...

Once upon a time, a man named Guido Van Rossum who watches comedy shows developed a programming language back in 1991 and decided to give it a short, sweet and easy-to-remember name just like the language he was developing then a light bulb appeared over his head... swoosh! And he got the brilliant idea to name it after his Favorite Show; Monty Python. From that comedy show, he coined the name Python cause it actually sounds sleek too, now you know it didn't start out with snakes or anything like that.

... now to the main topic :

Why Should You Learn to Use Python?

If Python was a lady she'd be so easy to understand and this would actually solve many global relationship problems involving women. Women should be more like Python... Easy to Understand and straightforward with everything they say...

That being said let's look at the top 5 reasons why you should get familiar with Python in no particular order:

  • Python is Easy to Learn:

Learning Python is like learning to speak to a computer in plain English because its syntax is very easy to understand and straightforward, its the best language to start out with as a beginner.

  • Python is Very Very Versatile:

If Python were an employee it would be very resourceful because Python has so many applications from Automation to Web Development to Machine Learning to Artificial Intelligence, you can use Python for almost anything, it has thousands of applications.

  • Many people Care About Python

WDIM? I mean python has a community so large there's no error you can encounter using Python that someone has not encountered before and many people have posted solutions to online communities like stack overflow and others so beginners can find them also these people have also created libraries and frameworks to continually increase the number of things you can do using python(Applications).

There's a huge amount of people using Python every second of the day. Check out the official Community here.

  • The Doors Are Wide Open

Python is open source which means people in the community can upgrade, edit and fix Issues within the language source this has boosted the growth and popularity of Python, now it's impossible for a programmer not to be familiar with the name 'Python', this is to assure you python is here to stay forever and it's only going to get better.

  • Anywhere You Want me I'd Be There

That's what Python says to you because whatever laptop you have, whatever operating system you have, whatever specification you've got, Python's got you covered. After all, Python can run on multiple platforms like Mac Os, Windows, Linux e.t.c without any modifications at all.

I haven't forgotten.. I got you covered.

My Piece

Below are a few tips you should use when starting in Python:

  • Take your time in understanding the syntax

  • Be genuinely curious, and try to understand the basics properly

  • You do not have to cram all those information into your head, knowing what they do and how they fit is just enough

  • You will never stop learning so find one good tutorial series to learn the basics and stick to it to the end.

  • Once you're comfortable with the language start building little projects from videos

  • Then choose a niche within the numerous Python applications and ...

  • Practice every day for at least 3 hours daily.

The joy of coding in Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code - not in realms of trivial code that bores the reader to death

-Guido Van Rossum

You've Got This, Stay Jiggy!